We received no fewer than 700 visitors at our Open House! During this sunny day we were able to give interested parties from all over the region an insight into our World of Magnesium. We very much enjoyed it! Watch the aftermovie to get an impression of this lovely day.

Our partners
Thanks to all partners who participated in our Open House:
- Zechsal
- Kisuma Chemicals B.V.
- Farmin
- Innovatiehub Oost-Groningen
- IJssel Technologie
- Henisol
- Securitas
- Ritsema Transport
- Lootsma Tanktransport
- Mammoet
- ASW Transport und Logistik
- Tiltrans
- Aebi Schmidt Nederland B.V.
- Melkweg Fritom Logistics Solutions
- Oldenburger Fritom Logistic Solutions
- Gromes-Plender Meststoffen B.V.