Plant- en veevoeders


Agriculture is an important part of the economy and, of course, our food supply. Nedmag supports the sector with magnesium chloride.

Magnesium chloride in manure

The addition of magnesium chloride to manure for the purpose of fertilising the land has a positive effect on the cycle of a farm. FarMin develops this application in the Netherlands with their product FarMin-g. Magnesium chloride collects important minerals instead of allowing them to wash out to the bottom. The result? Faster and better growing crops and healthier cows. And, not unimportantly: a better circular economy.

"For healthier plant and animal growth"

Animal feed

Like humans, animals such as dairy cows, sheep, and horses also need magnesium to function properly—it is an essential mineral. A magnesium deficiency in ruminants can even lead to grass tetany (grass staggers). Magnesium chloride is suitable for animal feed because it is easily absorbed. 

"high-purity magnesium chloride for healthy animals"


Intensive use of soil for agricultural purposes makes it necessary to add minerals to enrich the soil again. Nedmag's calcium chloride is certified for addition to fertiliser or for use directly on land. 


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